Customer Testimonials

Don’t take just our word for it

Read an assortment of testimonials — direct from the source: our clients. From residential customers, to company CEOs, we are pleased to hear (and share with you) all of the “thank you”s and positive feedback shared with Matco.

I cannot begin to tell you how awesome your team is. They are extremely easy to work with and they are very professional. I would recommend them to anyone needing electrical work.

Healthcare Center

Consistently demonstrates a high level of accountability, is willing to go above and beyond when warranted, is approachable and responsive to a wide variety of issues.

College Facilities

Matco is an excellent company who hires professional people. Prices are very competitive. Very much enjoy working with Matco.

Just a quick note of thanks to let you know how happy we are with the electrical services you have provided. Your technicians are friendly, nicely dressed, knowledgeable, and respectful.

Residential Customer

Please pass along my thanks to the Matco guys – they’ve done a phenomenal job with this project.

Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts on the student housing project. We really appreciate your personal attention and commitment to the success of this project.

Senior Vice President

I appreciate the level of ownership, upbeat attitude, technical competence, workmanship, flexibility when the job timeframes changed and the creative ideas and honesty. It really makes the PM’s life easier when he knows he can trust the contractor.

Sr. Engineer

Matco was very professional and accommodating to the district needs throughout the project.


It is nice to know that there is a company the school can call who is professional and knowledgeable.


Matco continues to perform all work in a high quality and safe manner, always within schedule and budget limits.

Vice President

I cannot begin to tell you how awesome your team is. They are extremely easy to work with and they are very professional. I would recommend them to anyone needing electrical work.

Healthcare Center

Consistently demonstrates a high level of accountability, is willing to go above and beyond when warranted, is approachable and responsive to a wide variety of issues.

College Facilities

Matco is an excellent company who hires professional people. Prices are very competitive. Very much enjoy working with Matco.

Just a quick note of thanks to let you know how happy we are with the electrical services you have provided. Your technicians are friendly, nicely dressed, knowledgeable, and respectful.

Residential Customer

Please pass along my thanks to the Matco guys – they’ve done a phenomenal job with this project.

Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts on the student housing project. We really appreciate your personal attention and commitment to the success of this project.

Senior Vice President

I appreciate the level of ownership, upbeat attitude, technical competence, workmanship, flexibility when the job timeframes changed and the creative ideas and honesty. It really makes the PM’s life easier when he knows he can trust the contractor.

Sr. Engineer

Matco was very professional and accommodating to the district needs throughout the project.


It is nice to know that there is a company the school can call who is professional and knowledgeable.


Matco continues to perform all work in a high quality and safe manner, always within schedule and budget limits.

Vice President

Reach Out

Contact Matco today to discuss how we can help you make your next project a success.